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Please feel free to leave a message or condolence with the family.
It is often hard to find the right words at a time like this. May you all find peace, comfort, and all the love you need in the days to come. Throught God's love, We pray that He grants you all the comfort that He alone can give. Our hearts are with you all.
- Cynthia Fuller & Family
Extending my heartfelt condolences to the entire family. My heart is saddened for the loss of such a beautiful soul. Whilst we may not have had the typical sibling’s relationship, we will forever be a part of each other. May your spirit rest in everlasting peace my dear brother💙
- Amy Bishop
My condolences to you and your family. I will never forget the time we spent together when I was in Vegas. I’m sorry I can’t be there for support. But my prayers for you all. May He Rest Peacefully.
- Floyd Tillet
My beautiful grandson I love you so much, am so sorry we didn’t get to spend more time knowing each other. But my love will always be there for you and the rest of the family. You are gone but never forgotten.
- Grandma king
My handsome nephew Greg you are gone but I will never forget so sorry I didn’t get the chance to see you again and to tell you that I love you. My heart is hurting for my little sister. (Love you Les)
- Grandma king
Rest in peace cuz… never got a chance to meet you, But you were 10 years older than me but I know you at rest now and no longer suffering… continue to watch over your mom and your family, They need it because you’re gone and no longer in their presence and I’ll continue to pray for them To have the strength to get thru it
🙏🏾🙏🏾️ ❤️
- Sade king ❤️
Rest In Peace my beautiful nephew you are gone but never forgotten. I love you Greg and I will be there 100% for my little sister Leslie (LOVE YOU LES)
- Rosita
Dear Arla, Jaden, Jordon and Leslie &Family. I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, father and son. My deepest condolences and prayers goes out to the entire family. May Greg rest in peace from all pain & suffering. He will be gone but not forgotten.
- The Cox family
Arla I'm so sorry for your loss. Greg was wonderful so helpful and kind. He will truly be missed. My prayers are with you and your family.
- Kim Haywood
Greg. I cannot believe we are here. This was the first Christmas we have spent without you in idk how long. I have so many memories and don’t know which one to share but what I will say is that all the gifts you had already picked out for everyone just reminded me of the amazing person you were. How you knew everyone around you. How you listened. The best husband uncle brother. I know God has a special place for you by his throne. As our elder now. I pray I dream of you. We love you and as we all will always say “be more like Greg”
- Aryanna

Arla my heart breaks for you and your family. Words cannot express how sorry I am for your loss. I didn't know Greg, but from reading all the posts, and seeing the pictures, I can tell he was a great husband, father and friend. May he rest in peace. I hope you can find comfort in the memories you shared and may Greg's love continue to guide you through the days ahead.
- Dawn Norman
Thinking of you. Praying for your peace and comfort during this difficult time.
- Jerry Nickerson
I was heartbroken to hear about Greg. The world lost a truly incredible person. I used to love teasing him at work. Poor guy always got stuck moving my computers every time I decided to move to a different area of the building, but bless him he never complained. He was always willing to bend over backwards for everyone and did it with a smile. He will truly be missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to Arla and family. Rest in peace Greg.
- Lacey Woods
When I heard of Greg's passing the shock and disbelief was unimaginable. He was the most genuine person I have met in a long time. He always had a smile that lit up a room and nothing but kind things to say. I was glad to get to know him recently at some events at work and will always remember the warmth that he had. Arla and family I can not even imagine what you are going through, but know we are all here and thinking about you and if there is anything you need your WAL family will be here to help.
- Heather Urquiza
Greg King was the finest man I’ve ever met. There are so many words that describe Greg, but I think the best was ‘Genuine’. He was kind and generous, compassionate, extremely smart, and someone I very much enjoyed spending time with. His smile lit up the entire room wherever he was. Greg was an amazing husband, and the best father I’ve ever met. My heart is broken for Arla and the boys, and I will miss Greg terribly. His legacy will be there every day you see Jaden and Jordin, as those fine young men have so much of their father in them. Rest easy my friend, until we meet again.
- Rich Caporali
Greg, This still does not seem real. It simply cannot be real. When Arla text us that you had passed, my heart sank into a place I hadn’t felt in a very long time. Arla, the memories of someone as special as Greg will live on forever. Our nights playing bingo, family dinners, holiday parties and playing in the park are only some of the fun times we had together. Arla, Jaden and Jordin, sending you much love and support as you navigate this difficult time. Jaemie
- Jaemie Caporali
So very sorry for your loss. I pray that you feel peace & love Arla from friends & family & your work family. We are all here to lift you up. Loss is never easy but rely on others to help you get through this difficult time. Be grateful for the memories.
- Love Renee Pratt
My heart aches for Arla and their family as they navigate this unimaginable loss. Greg touched so many lives in the very best way. I’m grateful I got the chance to know him as a colleague. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you find your way through this difficult journey.
- Shannon Miller
I worked with Greg for the majority of the time. It was just him and I at our building. Greg was a very good tech! Good ethics with solid integrity. Greg and I shared deep conversations, including asking ourselves what the meaning of life is and why we are here. We shared how much we love our close ones; how grateful we are to have them in our lives-especially the ones that have stayed with us during hard times. Greg knew how to continue a conversation, even ones that are tough to talk about. He was very friendly, talkative, and just a nice guy all around. I would hear nothing but good things about that man. We shared laughs, jokes and..... it's difficult to accept his passing as I'm writing this. As the days go by, I open the door to our offices, and I see an empty chair on his cubicle. I see writings on the marker board that were his. It's hard to believe he's not here. It hurts. I feel extremely sad of his passing. I spent 8 hours, Monday through Friday with this man and I'm honored to have shared these moments with him. I'm grateful to have known Greg... Life is an interesting experience, and we have to cherish it as it is so precious. Greg is an inspiration and a reminder to all of us that no matter how tough life gets; always have a heart of gratitude. Always. Much love, Greg...until we meet again.
- Daniel Galaz
Please accept my deepest sympathies. Wanted to let you know that my thoughts are with you and your family. Wishing Gregory's family and friends courage and peace during this time of mourning. My heart goes out to you during this time of sorrow.
- Tim Smith
My heart ached when I learned of Greg's passing. He was an integral part of our team and a kind soul. It was a privilege to have been able to work alongside him over the past year. I reflect on our team lunches and the laughter we shared. Greg brought a special warmth to our team, bringing a positive spirit to work each day that touched us all. Greg will be deeply missed. My thoughts and prayers are with his Family during this deeply challenging and heartbreaking time. May you find strength and comfort in all your cherished memories.
- Linda Friesz
I'm deeply sorry for the loss of beloved member of your family. I wish and pray you find peace and comfort. I appreciate and would like to celebrate Greg's well lived life with full of cherished memories with family and friends.
- Sunil Sodanapalli
While not knowing Greg personally, I do know he was well regarded and respected among his colleagues here at the bank. He was known to be a hard worker and constantly pursuing learning opportunities to better himself for his family. I hope his family knows his dedication to them went to the very end, when he even touched base with his boss on Friday, there wasn't any quitting in him. I pray that Gods grace can give comfort to all those who loved Greg.
- Carl Eberling
Dear Arla, Jaden, Jordin, and family,I was deeply saddened to hear about Greg's passing. I had the privilege of working alongside him years ago, and his warm spirit and dedication left a lasting impression. Although our time together was in a professional setting, the memories of his kindness and camaraderie are etched in my heart.During these difficult moments, I extend my heartfelt sympathies to you all. May you find strength in each other and in the cherished memories you shared with Greg.With sincere condolences,
- Brian Formisano
This picture was taken over 20 years ago... Arla and Greg hosted and opened up their home and hearts, as they've always have. Never a dull moment. The love always present... special moments and memories that will forever stay with me. May you R.I.P., Greg, and thank you for the impact you had on my life and those around you. My heart, prayers and condolences goes out to the King's family, friends and loved ones.
With love,
- Alberto Pineda

Greg, I met you as a teenager and I looked up to you then because you were so kind to me; along with Arla you included me in your guys’ lives. I remember your contagious laughter, your kindness and gentleness and your happiness that overflowed into this world. Greg you are a very special kind of person that has left an impression on anyone who has come across your way. I wanted to be like you then and I strive to be like you now. Thank you for being an amazing husband to my sister and a wonderful father to my nephews. May you rest in peace.
Arla, Jaden, and Jordin my heart breaks for you and I am sorry for your loss. You are constantly in my prayers and please know that my family and I are here for you.
- Tania
I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I always felt like Greg was a very gentle soul and an and intellegent young man. He and my husband had more than one conversation where I just listened and absorbed because they were talking about business plans. I wish I could find the appropriate words to comfort you all right now. Arla, Jaden, and Jordin, I pray for you all right now--for your peace and strength--during your time of grief. Leslie, you know that I love you and I will always be there for you. I am sincerely and consistently praying for you all.
Rest in Peace, Greg. You will be missed.
With Love,
- Sharon Mitchell
Greg, it's been 3 weeks since you transitioned to the heavens. Today was your service. It was beautiful. How proud you would have been of Arla, Jaden and Jordin. You touched so many lives and the love in the chapel today was palpable. I hope that you felt that love while you were on this earthly journey with us 🤍 Love,
- Steff
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We still miss you. We just celebrated your birthday yesterday and Arla did amazing. I hope you hear us and see us. I wish I could have said more when you were here. I hope you know. The love we all have for you. We promise to always be there for the boys and Arla.